Minutes from the ISOLDE Physics Group Meeting January 30, 2014
No comments to the minutes from the ISOLDE Physics Group Meeting from January 23rd, 2014.
- A new cable trace has been installed between the new transformer and the entrance to ISOLDE and all the cables have already been pulled.
- Two holes for the ventilators are being made in the roof of the extension hall.
- The 9th gap amplifier was moved to another position in the extension hall. It still waits for the transport to Germany.
- Work on the deflector-plate stepping motors and their controls are ongoing.
- The power and signal cables will have to be separated in the cable trays in the hall – the new trays should be ready before July. Once we have them in the different experiment we encourage the users to separate their cables accordingly and place them in the new cable traces.
Target area:
- The first tests with protons from the booster will be done most likely on an empty container.
- The chemistry laboratory and the off-line separator in bldg. 26, except for a power supply, are ready for work and testing.
- The extension of the RILIS cabin is currently being furnished.
- The scaffolding from below the stairs has been removed.
- The laser group is currently working on the HRS laser window.
- A specialist from cryogenics group at CERN is currently investigating the REX-EBIS cryostat.
Bld. 508:
- The delivery of the metallic structure is delayed by one week.
- At the moment the company is flattening the area around the new bld,
- The final decision on cooling, electricity and ventilation for the new bld. should be taken at the meeting on Tuesday, February 4th.
- RP will check the rules for summer student dosimeters at ISOLDE (connected to the change of the status of the experimental hall).
- A detailed meeting on the final position of the radiation monitors in the hall will take place on Monday, February 3rd at 930 in the hall. Representatives of all permanent experiments at ISOLDE are advised to be reachable in the hall.
- Electrical safety course, tailor-made for ISOLDE, will take place next week Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th. Everyone following the course will receive a French certificate (habilitation) for work with low tension connected to manipulation and measurements.
- The big LN2 dewer (4000 liters, recuperated at CERN) will most likely be installed near the transformers on the Saleve side. Due to works, which are still on-going at HIE-ISOLDE, the dewar will be probably installed only next year.
- At the beginning of April a check of beam scanners is foreseen. A more thorough alignment is possible only during another long shutdown.
- Julien has checked all the LN2 dewars. The good ones (compatible with the CERN standards and working properly) have been labeled. The remaining dewars (mainly in bld. 275) most likely will not pass the safety control and they will have to be removed.
- Tomasz Wlodarski, a master student from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland, joined ISOLDE for this week to work on the VITO project.
- The summer student projects should be sent to Maria, Magda, and Monika before Monday, February 10th, so that we can discuss it at the next PG meeting. ISOLDE should put up 12 projects (including two projects from EN: yield’s data base and the beam-trajectory simulations was input for ISOLDE beam line realignment).
- The meeting was followed by a seminar of Dr. Wolfram Witte on “CIGS thin-film solar cells” http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=286599. - Next PG meeting will take place unusually on Monday, February 10th at 2pm (or Tuesday 3pm).
Minutes taken by MS