26 September 2013

Minutes from the ISOLDE Physics Group Meeting September 26, 2013

No comments to the minutes from the ISOLDE Physics Group Meeting from September 19, 2013.


- Small works connected to the cabling were taking place in the HV room.

- Finishing of the trench is on-going (at the moment: smoothing and painting of the walls, next – covering it with metal plates).

- Works connected to the linac tunnel are going on. Last week the roof of the tunnel was taken away and a protective plastic foil was placed around the linac (the roof to be checked by RP). This week the work is being done in the extension hall, therefore, no disturbance to the cleaning process in the hall is foreseen.

- Works on changing of the floor of the mezzanine are in preparation. A special “2nd floor” is currently being placed below the platform in order to protect the equipment below.

- ISOLTRAP will be informed in advance about cutting of the power on the mezzanine.


- REX-TRAP will be closed soon.

- The trouble-shooting FC was remade and it will be soon put back in.

- The control systems will be restarted and tested by Miguel. RF generation should be improved by October (and be comparable to conditions before software upgrade).

- EBIS has been dismounted and its parts are stored in the GPS and HRS high voltage cages.


- Still no news about the RILIS cabin extension.

- The team is working now on the HRS launch system.

- Dima Fedorov is around to help with different activities.

- Ba ionization tests are on-going.


- A test bench for 8B beam is being currently set up.


- The particle filters inside the proton tunnel (BTY line) are releasing more particles than expected (seen for example in the RILIS cabin). RP is following on that.


- Beamline realignment is still under discussion. On Tuesday a meeting took place where all the concerns were discussed. REX and ISOLTRAP will be mostly affected. The technical team was also asked to look into the diagnostics.

- Ventilation in the hall is on.

- The clean up of the hall is going well. MISTRAL, NICOLE, REX, WITCH platforms, old entrance, ISCOOL, ISCOOL-cage, LA1 and LA2 were already done. Next: TAS, ASPIC, CRIS, ISOLTRAP, COLLAPS.

- ISOLDE hall will be closed during the CERN Open Days. Protection barriers will be placed everywhere around it.

Bld. 508:

- Water tubes from the former bld. 507 are still outside the hall. They are to be removed when the concrete floor will be put in place. Magda is following up on the possible recuperation.

- Cooling and ventilation requirements for the bld. 508 are in progress. Magda is following up on different offers and their technical properties.

- Kitchen in the bld. 508 was enlarged and now it will consists of two cabins instead of one.

- Some comments from the safety review of the new building were received.

- Ar and N bottles used for the beamlines will be removed in order to allow for installation of the new bld. For people using the gasses: please use the bottles outside the SAS.


- Kara Lynch has successfully defended her PhD on September 19, 2013. Congratulations from the ISOLDE group!

- ISOLDE will be represented during the CERN Open Days: target robots, MEDICIS, CATHI fellows.

- The meeting was followed by a seminar of Jan Kurcewicz.

- Next PG meeting will take place at the usual place and time and it will be followed by the seminar of Sune Jakobsen from the ALPHA experiment on ATLAS.

Minutes taken by MS