14 March 2013

Comments to the minutes of the ISOLDE Physics Group Meeting of the 07.03.2013:

- Section “Technical News”, point 6:“building 115” should read “building 3, room 3-1-039” (MP).



- In order to avoid accumulating piles of paper in room 26-1-033 please pick up your printouts promptly.

- Due to the construction works carried out on the bottom floor of building 26 there will be no water in the room 26-1-033 until March 22nd.

- As a general rule if you notice malfunctioning of some parts of the general infrastructure (water, electricity etc.) please inform the TSO in charge of the building. There is a blue plate in the entrance of each building with the information of the TSO.

- It would be appreciated if users refrain from using the fountain water for coffee or tea (we are allocated 4 bottles, i.e. 4x19l = 76 litres every 2 weeks).

- Summer students programme: 8 projects from ISOLDE qualified, at least 10 students expressed their interest in working at ISOLDE. A meeting to discuss how to proceed with the selection is scheduled for Monday, March 18that 9.30 in room 26-1-022.

- Call of abstracts for the XXXIII Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics (Piaski, Poland, September 1-7, 2013). The deadline is May 10th.

- On Apr 4th a visit to ISOLDE of the Spanish secretary of state is foreseen.

- Austrian group of university students preparing their diploma as future secondary school physics teachers expressed their interest in visiting ISOLDE either on May 30th or 31st. If you could take responsibility for organising the visit please contact Susanne latest by the beginning of the next week.

Minutes taken by JK