8 August 2012

  1. The following comments were made to last week’s minutes:
    1. Hard hats and safety shoes are required for LS1. Beyond that, the regulations are under discussion. A decision is expected for September 2012. AD has similar issues, it will be looked into a possible combination of efforts.
    2. The isobuthane bottle from the MAYA experiment is still waiting for transport (cp. minutes from 1.8.).


  1. Main Technical News
    1. On HRS, the beam from the installed SiC-W target #483 was ready by Friday morning. Due to a cooling-water problem, the beam could only be delivered to users in the evening. After the leak in the pumping station behind the control room (independent from the target-cooling station mentioned in the minutes from 1.8.) had been fixed, the separator and the REX beam line had to be restarted. ISCOOL works fine at60kV with about 50% transmission. It is advised to use it at this voltage to get the best transmission.
    2. The 21Na beam was delivered to users with an overall transmission lower than usual. There was a factor 2 higher activityproduced. The yield of 21Na was 7*108 ions/s at the beginning and 2*108 ions/s at the end of the run. It exhibited a slow “release” of 50sproducing pile up with continuing proton impinging.
    3. There was no beam for the experiment on Monday due to target change on GPS and on Wednesday due to separator setup.
    4. On GPS, the Ta target #482 was re-installed for medical collections within IS 528 on Nd and Dy. The samples were again sent to PSI, Tübingen, and also Denmark. Using the new collection chamber on GHM enabled in parallel HFS scans on the central beam line for the automated measurement cycle between RILIS and ISOLTRAP.
    5. The target was operated up to 2400°C through which the release for rare-earth isotopes could be increased.
    6. On target #482, a proton current of 1*1019 was accumulated. Before decoupling, the target valve wouldn’t close. After decoupling, the valve on the target closed, the piston on the front end moved into the correct position.No damage in the extraction electrode observed. RP is involved in further inspection.
    7. The UC-W target #484 was installed, andit is outgassing more than usual. The extraction electrode of the front end was inspected with the new target installed but no sign of it blocking the target valve could be observed. This target is now holding 50kV, the proton scan is planned for today.
  1. Other Technical News:
    1. It is taken into consideration whether hot Ta-W target should be used again due to the good experience with target #482.
    2. The control system contains different motorswhich will be re-furbished. No longer needed motor systems will be suppressed. 5 systems will likely be abandoned: 2 for SSP collection chamber, 1 for GPS.SC482/3 offset motor and 2 for a believed to be obsolete GPS.SL130 slit system. The question remains whether the slit GPS.SL130 exists, is cabled or was ever used. Any information is welcome.
    1. REX had poor efficiency for sodium beam, which could not be further investigated because of the problems on Friday (see above). The LINAC works fine.
    2. The WITCH tests (see minutes from 25.7. and 1.8.) were inconclusive and will be repeated after the ongoing run.
    3. At the REX beam line, tests are planned for the fast valve in front of EBIS as well as with the emittance meter in preparation for HIE-ISOLDEby the CATHI fellows (cp. minutes from 27.6.).
    4. RILIS reports an ionization enhancement of Dy of a factor of 10. The lasers are now being prepared for Mg and running the Ti:Sa lasers in narrow-band mode for further tests of automated HFS scans.
    5. LIST offline tests with Yb beam still ongoing (cp. meeting from 25.7.).
  1. Physics and Schedule:
    1. On GPS, IS 512 uses the REX scattering chamber for the first online experiment (apart from prior tests) on 21Na beam for astrophysical applications. The aim is tomeasure resonant proton scattering on 21Na above αparticle threshold with 18Ne to study states in 22Mg.
    2. From next Thursday to Monday, LOI 88will test the viability of using the COLLAPS beam line for implanting polarized Mg beam into a liquid and measure NMR resonances.
    3. Online emission channeling within IS 453 will be tested on 27Mg beam.
    4. The next experiment will be IS 526dedicated to elastic resonance scattering 30Mg beam using the REX scattering chamber to explore shell evolution around A=32.
  1. Safety:
    1. During the run with the Ta target #482, an increase in short-lived gases was observed which might be due to a ventilation problem. RP is investigating this.
    2. There have been requests for a crane course for ISOLDE users. Please let Magda know your requirements, she will then organize a course accordingly.
    3. The WITCH experiment received final safety clearance by Joao (the safety officer responsible for ISOLDE experiments).
    4. The crane needs refurbishing, which is planned for January or February of 2013. It might, however, be scheduled already in December because of electricity requirements.
  1. AOB:
    1. The deadline for abstract submission for EMIS has been extended to 31.8.
    2. The demineralized water seems to have been inspected. Thomas is checking this with Bernard.
    3. Please be reminded to keep the kitchen clean. Non-labeled food will be thrown away.
    4. There exists now an official procedure how to make use of the alignment-group services (cp. minutes from 13.6.), please contact Magda at least 1 month in advance.
    5. LA2 was successfully re-aligned, however, this revealed the need for assessing re-alignment requirements of the whole beam line, which will be coordinated with installed experiments.
    6. On 15./16.8. a 3D scanning for mapping of the REX area and the hall extension might compromise working routine.
    7. Since a new version of theKarlsruher Nuklidkarte is now available, Maria agreed to buy a few copies through the CERN library. Please contact her if you need one for your experiment.
    8. There will be a poster presentation by roughly 10% of the summer students today at 17H00 in front of the main auditorium.
    9. The meeting was followed by the summer-student talks of Heneen Al Sarudi (supervisor: Thomas) and Rehab Khawaga (supervisor: Karl).

Minutes taken by SK