1 August 2012

There were no comments to last week’s minutes.

1. Main Technical News

a. GPS: on Thursday a vacuum leak developed on the proton BTY line and a leak testing was planned for the following Monday. This caused the stop of theb-NMR experiment running on REX 2nd beamline (see physics section) on Saturday morning (2 days earlier than planned), since to access and solve the problem a 48h cool-down was required. The GPS Ta-W target #482 was removed on Monday morning to reduce the dose for the vacuum team. The leak was found and fixed very quickly on a Penning gauge joint. Ta-W target #482 is now placed back on GPS.

b. YGPS.FC490 was inspected. The piston was greased with radiation-hard grease and it can be now moved in and out without problems.

c. GPS: from last Tuesday until Sunday 8Li beam was used by REX 2nd beam line during day-time.

d. GPS: Dy beam was collected by GLM/GHM during night-time from last Monday. It will continue till next Friday.

e. HRS: diagnostics checks on the bad contact on RFQ have been concluded, as the target had to be changed. The bad contact problem was found in the injector electrode. After touching several connections, the beam was finally stable. Now ISCOOL runs alright at nominal 60kV. Since the problem was not “technically” solved, it might reappear.

f. REX: test on tuning the low-energy section with the WITCH magnet on was carried out. Despite the shielding, the transmission efficiency could not be regained for 8Li. However, after switching off the magnet, the efficiency was not recovered. It could be due to long-magnetized elements somewhere. It is going to be further investigated.

g.ISOLDE: on Monday, a new interface for ISOLDE controls (INCA) was tested successfully for GPS, HRS, and low-energy lines. Next test is planned on 3rd September on REX. Another one will be needed for testing all together (not yet planned).

h. ISOLDE: intervention on hall water circuits. Two fully circulation systems are now available. One should be used as spare.

i. RILIS: a factor 8-10 laser on/off was obtained on Dy (collection at GLM). On Thursday night scanning laser versus MR-ToF and rare-earth contamination tests at ISOLTRAP are scheduled. On Friday morning Dy production will stop.

2. Physics and Schedule:

a. Last week, during the day, the b-NMR test - I83 - for producing polarized beam was running on REX 2nd beam line. A 8Li beam was used. The goal is to polarize the beam and detect the polarization via b-NMR. Several % of polarization was observed shortly before the protons had to be stopped.

b. During the nights, implantations of short-lived Tb (decay of laser-ionized Dy) and Nd isotopes continued from last week within IS 528.The samples are shipped in the mornings to PSI and Tuebingen.

c. The MEDICIS@CERN project is also doing several collections that will be sent to Lausanne.

d. Presently, REX 2nd beam line, is setting up for the next experiment on HRS (IS512). Currently the HRS-RFQ is being set, on Wednesday the p-scan, yields check (21Na) and REX tuning will go on. From a preliminary check of the yields, with no full proton intensity on the target, the 21Na yields are as in the database.

e. It was pointed out that the SiC target, on HRS, shows good qualities for the production of 27Mg because it has a very low Al background. This is due to the higher purity of the material which unfortunately cannot be investigated or controlled in advance.

f. LPC CAEN’s neutron detector is now set in LA1. In the following days Franck Delaunay and colleagues will measure the neutron background from the GPS and HRS targets.

4. Safety:

a. After MAYA experiment left the hall, everyone feels safer. However the bottle with the isobuthane is still in the hall waiting for the gas team to take away the pressure reducer.

b. Since the Ta-W target is still there, the alarm threshold on the activated air release from the present Ta target is kept on the higher value set last week. In this way we can receive 2µA on target.

c. Due to collection experiments going on in GLM/GHM the area around the stairs leading up to the RILIS cabin should be avoided. In particular try to avoid standing for longer on the stairs.

d. Several ALARA interventions have been performed on the GPS target-door piston, BTY vacuum, and on GPS.FC490.

e. A safety inspection of the hall and building 115 showed some problems on various grounds. The workshop needs to be inspected.

f. Safety shoes and hats are required to enter the hall during the LS1 and probably after. Exceptions are for area marked with a green line, which will be soon defined. In order to estimate the amount of shoes and helmets required, everyone within his own collaboration should check how many persons will stay in ISOLDE during the LS1. It has to be decided which budget will cover the cost.

5. AOB:

a. Tomorrow Thursday 02nd August and on Friday 03rd August, the summer students will visit ISOLDE. Although the location on the stairs to the RILIS cabin offers the nicer panorama view over the hall, it should be avoided to take the students up there (see Safety, point c.).

b. Maria warmly invites all students to participate in the upcoming ISOLDE Physics Group Meetings.

c. Today there were the first two Summer Students presentation by Amelie Grabowski (supervisor: Ian) and Tangi Nicol (supervisor: Susanne).

Minutes taken by ER