20 June 2012

1. Technical news:


· PSB provided the GPS STAG-ISO beam structure without problems. Ring 2 had a problems during the p scan on the Ta-Ir-W target for IS481, but it was recovered on Monday after retuning.

· On Monday evening the FC at LA1 “unscrewed” itself. It was fixed promptly, but the users noticed that it now reads about 10% of the current measured on neighboring FC-s. Furthermore, bad transmission is reported on one of the masses. To be investigated.


· HRS was sparking at 40kV. The HT of both: HRS and RFQ was tested to above 60kV and no problem was found. Perhaps, the sparking was related to the target. Meanwhile a small water leak at one of the RFQ turbo pumps has been discovered and fixed.

· IS480 will use a UCx + Ta target. Originally Re ionizer was planned to be used, but it was delivered with the wrong length.

· The protons will be stopped on Tuesday at 5AM, because of the technical stop, which will take 2 days.


· Fuse blew off at the 20deg line of REX due to overloading with equipment drawing power from the same line. Now all fine again.

· Successful delivery of 300 keV/u beam to the tilted foil setup.

· Emittance meter for HIE-ISOLDE studies was installed in front of both REX lines.

· Stripping foils for deflecting contaminants were also installed in front of the two REX beamlines.


· RILIS is preparing for Ca ionization.


· On Tuesday morning between 6 and 7 access to the ISOLDE hall and work with ISOLDE controls will be problematic due to work on the access and control software.

· The 100 kHz noise picked up by detectors at CRIS and LA1 comes and goes. Source is still unknown.

· The VME data acquisition has been updated. Now ISOLDE has two independent VME DAQ systems. The new VULOM timing modules are also operational.

2. Physics and schedule:

· The prototype NaF molten salt target has been tested online (IS509). Its main objective is to provide emitters for the beta-beams program. 18Ne yields for different target and proton conditions were investigated. Also 10,11C and 19Ne were investigated.

· The CRIS experiment (IS471) successfully measured 221Fr. The n-deficient Fr isotopes of the proposal were not investigated. In addition there were problems with the Ti-Sa laser at least partially due to dust in the CRIS laser room.

· Test Tb collections for IS528 and Hf for IS537: Tb yields were lower than from a surface-ionization target.

· IS537 is currently looking for isomers in the n-rich Hf isotopes.

3. A.O.B:

· The parking space of ISOLDE has been strongly reduced due to HIE-ISOLDE construction. Please don’t park along the barriers because heavy machinery and/or materials have to get in or out. Emergency services might need access, too.

4. Seminars:

· On Friday at 11am Dr. Makito Oi (Institute of Natural Sciences, Senshu University) will present “Study of nuclear excited states through quantized angular momentum”.