7 March 2012

Technical news:

- The old ISOLDE tape station is being checked this week. The fast one will be checked (and hopefully repaired) by the French team from Strasbourg.

- There exists new software for the communication with wire scanners and the like. A presentation in the control room will be organized.

- New timing (T1, T2) is available. A presentation in the control room will also be organized.

- The vacuum is fine in the beam lines, front ends still in maintenance phase, so no vacuum there yet.

- Target-robot maintenance will take place this Friday.

- CB0 will not be under vacuum next week: An MCP will be installed to be used by the Target Team only. It will be manually moved in and out, something which should be remembered if one doesn’t have beam for no other obvious reason.

- ISOLDE Cold check-out will happen next week (checking HV connections, target heating, etc).

- ISCOOL has been re-aligned following the optical-pumping tests at the end of last year. Tests with beam will hopefully take place next week.

- The target heating will be now connected to ramping cards, which in the case of interlocks (water, vacuum, etc) ramp down the target heating with a time constant of ~20 min. (chosen such that there is no danger due to lack of cooling). The ramping cards, however, don’t work in the case of a power glitch or cut. It is however planned to have a UPS system for the target heating by 2014.

- One of ISOLDE HV power supplies broke down, but is now under repair.

- In week 12 there will be Ti LIST target tests and stable beam tests via ISCOOL.


- Controls of REXTRAP have been started

- REX-EBIS is cooling down to LHe temperature

- Low-energy REX will start next week

- RILIS has been performing offline tests on molecular breakup and ionization with lasers

Other Information from Technical Meeting:

- The SAS will move next week. Help is needed to move the racks into the extension. This is planned for Monday, March 12. Magda will ask for volunteers to help.

- The ISOLDE control and vacuum PC’s in the control room have a new password, which has been communicated in the meeting.


- Faraday cage pistons have been changed at GPS and HRS. They had problems during last running period by being destroyed through radiation because of wrong material composition.

- CRIS received final safety clearance

- Safety inspection of building 275 went well

Summer Students:

- Seven projects were selected for member state candidates (SSP –Guilherme, DAQ – Jan, MINIBALL – Elisa, BIO beta-NMR – Monika, CRIS – Kara, ISOLTRAP – Susanne, WITCH – Martin). Magda provided a list with students who explicitly mentioned their interest in ISOLDE or nuclear physics. Via a shared document, Magda asked the supervisors to adjust their respective choices to maximize the chances for these students.


- The schedule has been released on March 7. For the first trimester of the running period until June 6. At the moment, there are too many unknowns to provide the schedule until the end of June (as originally planned to coincide with an injector stop). This version has been confirmed by RILIS and Target Group. The scheduled experiments have been already contacted and the pdf version available to all is under preparation.


- There is a beating on the power line in the hall (and also in building 275) of +/- 5V. It has been noticed to cause fluctuations on a CRIS scroll pump and on the light in the hall. You are advised to check the manuals of your equipment to make sure that it can handle the power fluctuations in the hall.

- The TSR has been considered in the last CERN Research Board. No final decision was reached yet, it is still under discussion.

- Thomas reminded everybody to please think of possible speakers for the ISOLDE Physics Group Seminar since many visitors are expected for the running period. He appreciates any suggestion.

Minutes by SK