25 May 2010

  1. Technical News
  2. Two target changes on Tuesday: Sn for GPS, ZrO2 for HRS.
  3. Solid-state physics can now employ HRS as well.
  4. Today operators set-up targets, tomorrow they’ll do proton scan.
  5. Laser change to Copper at RILIS.
  6. Investigations in the target area due to smell of smoke.
  7. EBIS coming into operation after Fredrik figured out that cathode works better with slightly poorer vacuum.
  8. Vacuum system piquet is active; in control room there is a phone number (mobile) available in case of urgent vacuum related matters. However, one should contact engineers first!
  1. Experiments

· Last week solid-state physics and COLLAPS took Mg beam from GPS. The amount of Al impurities (10:1) was unexpected, but will anyway provide new results on very neutron-rich Mg isotopes. In the beginning of run, the Mg yields were about a factor of 8 higher thanks to RILIS performance. However, this value came down to ~4 after a while, due to reasons more related to target than RILIS performance.

  1. AOB

· Yorick reported on his visit to Groningen and RIKEN. In Groningen he was a member of dissertation panel. Ceremony dates back to 17thcentury, it was very formal and apparently Yorick wore someone else’s suit J. In RIKEN they studied 24O in via transfer reaction with approximate yield of 2000 24O ions/second.

· ISOLDE was awarded a new fellow; Thomas Cocolius from Leuven will start the 1st of July 2010. He will share his work between lasers and MINIBALL physics.

· Piet Van Duppen is making CERN comeback and will start as an associated scientist in February 2011 for half a year.

· Code of Conduct was submitted to the Standing Concertation Committee (CCP) at the end of April and approved for recommendation to the Director-General. Last week, it was presented to the Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum (TREF) and it will also be submitted to the CERN Council in June.

· Magda reminded that few Alcatel vacuum gauged are still available.

· Next week, 60 Swedish students are coming to visit ISOLDE, especially on Friday some (wo)menpower will be required to represent main experiments at ISOLDE.

· Group meeting was followed by seminar by Rick Casten. That was the second lecture of lecture series:“Experimental Signatures of Structure and Structural Evolution in Nuclei and their Origins and Interpretation".