20 January 2010


1.       Technical news:

·         The targets from 2009 have been removed and stored in the ISR

·         The front-end exchange is progressing as scheduled

·         Current activities:

- Change of the Boris tube

- Maintenance of turbo pumps and vacuum-gauges replacement

- Improving the vacuum for the REX injection line

·         Planned for next week:

- Testing the new vacuum system

- Cutting of wall in the hall extension for the removal of the MISTRAL magnet


2.       INTC:

The committee received nine new proposals five addendums and one letter of clarification. The meeting will be held on Feb. 4 (open session) and Feb. 5 (closed session)


3.       New selection procedures for the CERN summer-student program 2010, discussion with Michael Doser:

As in the past all CERN employees (staff, fellows and PhD students) and users are encouraged to submit projects. The deadline is Feb. 12. The second stage would involve ranking of the projects according to the recommendations by group and section leaders. For ISOLDE, we will propose a ranking of the projects through discussion at the Group meeting immediately following Feb. 12. The third stage is the selection of students.  The old “fastest-click-winner” procedure has been removed as it has been considered by many people unfair. The new system requires the proposers to select five students for their project and assign priorities. All input information will be software-processed and automatic selection will be made accordingly. There should be approximately 10 projects accepted for ISOLDE. For those subjects not accepted there is a second round with non-member state students or the possibility of funding additional students with outside funds. Note that in the latter case the student may participate in all activities (courses, visits, etc.), but the responsibility for all administrative procedures and for finding lodging rests with the supervisor.


4.       Upcoming talks:

·         27/02 Guilherme Correia on solid-state physics with Medipix detectors

·         03/02 Marek Pfützner (Warsaw) on two-proton decay studies

·         10/02 Kirby Kemper (FSU) on reactions with light nuclei.

·         17/02 Heinz Haas on quadrupole moments and solid-state physics

·         24/02 Kieran T. Flanagan on the CRIS experiment

·         Next Tuesday (Jan. 26) at 11:00 in the visitors room Physics coffee with K.T. Flanagan about the science of snow.


Minutes by DTY