7 May 2014

Minutes from the ISOLDE Physics Group Meeting May 7, 2014

No comments to the minutes from the ISOLDE Physics Group Meeting from April 30, 2014.


- The vacuum problems with the HRS front end have been solved and this area is being pumped down now.

- The ISCOOL is also under vacuum.

- The vacuum leak on the HRS 90º magnet section is still unsolved. A leak test is planned for today. Most likely, a fully approved ALARA3 procedure for the intervention will have to be scheduled to fix the problem.

- The GPS intervention is planned for the next week when the small piece which got broken during the reparation of the extraction electrode will be fixed. In addition, a small modification of the target table will be performed to fit the requirements of the new robot.

- Due to several unpredicted problems and delays, the off-line schedule for the ISOLDE start-up will have to be modified. This will affect mainly RILIS tests and ISCOOL bunching tests.

- No problems have been reported in the hall after the CERN-wide power cut (test of power switch to back-up diesel engines) that happened yesterday, May 6.

- The water cut at ISOLDE (affecting mainly the target zone and REX) will happen tomorrow, May 8.

- 50% of all control applications are working properly now. Currently the mass control on GPS and the ISOLDE Faraday cups are being tested.

- Concrete blocks for the transfer line magnets were put in place in the ISOLDE extension hall yesterday morning.

- HIE-ISOLDE beam line supports should be installed in the extension hall this week.

- Works connected to the cabling in the hall are proceeding. Currently the team is working on the vertical cable trays.

- Works connected to the cooling and ventilation for the Mistral platform will start next week. For that purpose new scaffolding will be put in place blocking the passage near the Mistral corner. Magda will check whether it will not disturb the upcoming VIP visits.

- Currently the RILIS machine protection system is being tested and it seems to work correctly. This system will allow for remote work of the RILIS team during the shift hours.

- One of the REX linac magnets will be moved to be refurbished at the end of the year.

Bld. 508:

- The CV cooling power requirements for the new bld. have to be revised, since the present solution is too expensive

- The delivery of the ground floor of the bld. 508 has been postponed to the end of June 2014.


- The on-line ISOLDE radioprotection course is closed to be finished. Karl, Magda and Maria have received the first version. The course will be available on-line from June 2014. Everyone who has or requests access to the ISOLDE hall will have to follow it. More information will be provided once the course is ready.

- The practical radioprotection course, tailor-made for ISOLDE, is currently being prepared by an external company. Once ready (probably mid-July), the course will take place twice a week (Tuesdays at 1400 and Fridays at 1400) at the CERN Prevessin site. Dedicated shuttle will be organized from the CERN Meyrin site.

- The RP requirements for the summer students are still not clear. Maria and Magda should get feedback from RP group sometime next week.

ISOLDE General:

- The king of the Belgians will visit the ISOLDE hall on Wednesday, May 21, from 1445 – 1510. A pre-visit will take place on Tuesday, May 13 at 1120.

- The EU commissioner for Research and Education will visit ISOLDE on Monday, May 19 around 14h.

- A common clean-up of the ISOLDE extension hall will be organized on Friday 11h (shifted from Monday 13, at 1400). Everyone is asked to participate it.


- The meeting was followed by seminar of Maria Dorothea Schumann on “Radiochemical separation of exotic radionuclides from accelerator waste for nuclear astrophysics experiments” http://indico.cern.ch/event/309120/ .

- The next meeting will take place at the usual place and time and it will be followed by a seminar of Monika Stachura on “Before MEDICIS”.

Minutes taken by MS