20 March 2014

Minutes from the ISOLDE Physics Group Meeting March 20, 2014

No comments to the minutes from the ISOLDE Physics Group Meeting from March 13th, 2014.


- Tubing for 20°C water from bld. 199 to HIE-ISOLDE is ongoing.

- There are still some connections between mixed water to be finished.

- Problems with the shielding door for the linac tunnel have been solved, although with some temporary cabling which will be changed later.

- Works on the Nicole/Mistral platform are ongoing.

- Insulation for the water pipes in bld. 198 and 199 has begun.

- The heat exchanger for the target area cooling needs to be changed but it’s not yet ready. Therefore, target cooling will have to be stopped for 2 days in September/October 2014 (the exact dates are not known yet).

- Works connected to bld. 508 continue. The first floor and one of the side walls are in. Access to the bld. has also been approved. A meeting dedicated to finalizing and budgeting of the cooling and ventilation will take place next Wednesday, March 26th.

- All scanners and Faraday cups at ISOLDE are to be checked.

- All of the controls are not working at the moment.

- Due to the construction works on the VITO line the vacuum rack, controlling the central beam lines and the experiments after COLLAPS, will be moved. For the moment all the controls are disconnected and powered down.

- New yellow lines allowing passage around the old Nicole and the current IDS will be put temporary in place in order to allow access to TAS and VITO experiments.


- The RFQ is back in place.

- The geometry accuracy obtained with the alignment is is of only 2.5 mm.

- The RILIS team has aligned the RFQ using HeNe laser sent through the quadrupoles.


- The first trial of injecting the beam into the trap was almost successful. After the INCA update all the controls stopped working.


- Laser tables were moved to bld. 3.

- The RILIS team prepares for the tests with the VADIS source on the offline separator.

- The team is also setting up the lasers in the newly extended RILIS cabin.

- The radiation monitors in the RILIS cabin are still to be installed. The exact timing for that is not known yet.

Vacuum in the hall:

- In order to gain on efficiency, a closer interaction between the vacuum group and different experiments is required. We should contact Jose Ferreira Somez from the vacuum team if we need their support.

- One of the sectors in the target area had to be vented with air and not N.

- ISOLDE balloons are full again.

- A known leak on the HRS window for RILIS will be addressed in about 3 weeks.

- The tape station seems to have a leak of unknown origin. To be followed up by Tim Giles and the vacuum group.

- Jose Ferreira Somez will follow up on the possibility of exchanging the compressed air tubes.


- Tests of the PAD/MAD system will be done in the 1st week of April.

- The hot cell for the target area has arrived. It’s being stored in the tent outside ISOLDE.

- Due to the change of the status of the ISOLDE hall (classified as simple controlled area from July 1st , 2014) there will be new a procedure for users for this year:

a. A new home declaration form in needed giving the “permission” to work in a simple controlled area.

b. There will be a web training which registered CERN users can follow from home

c. Everyone will have to follow a new practical training: 2h course to be offered by RP in the new RP training center in Prevessin (or at ISOLDE – to be defined) each Tuesday and Friday afternoon (14.00 – 16.00). This will allow the new users to have the paperwork and the RP training done before the weekend cut-off.

d. In principle access to the hall will be by dosimeter rather than the CERN card. It is not known yet whether this will be implemented on time.

ISOLDE General:

- Magda is currently working on the first part of the schedule (515 shifts requested, 320 shifts to be scheduled this year).

- There will be three visitors from the Nicole collaboration working on the setup in the hall on March 24th – 28th.


- A tailor-made course on writing documents in French will be organized for ISOLDE people. Everyone interested in joining should send an email to Magda asap.

- Next PG meeting will take place at the usual place and time (March 27th) and it will be followed by “coffee with nuclei” with Alfredo Poves.

Minutes taken by KJ and MS