Active experiments
Active experiments
Code | Proposal | Title | Spokesperson | Contact person | Status |
IS772 | P724 | Collinear resonance ionization of neutron-deficient indium: closing up on N = 50 | Warbinek, J. | Warbinek, J. | Preparation |
IS771 | P723 | Shell evolution in Ge isotopes with N<=50 investigated via fast-timing methods | Fraile, L/Benito, J/Illana, A | Wilson, J. | Preparation |
IS770 | P722 | First online laser spectroscopy study of promethium isotopes | Chrysalidis,K/Cubiss,J/ Wessolek,J/Andreyev,A | Chrysalidis, K. | Preparation |
IS769 | P720 | Exploring octupole collectivity in neutron-rich A=217-226 astatine and radon nuclei, using decay-tagged in-source laser spectroscopy | Cubiss, J/Andreyev, A/Lange, D | Chrysalidis, K. | Preparation |
IS768 | P719 | Laser spectroscopy of neutron-rich Ni with PI-LIST | Reilly, J/Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis,M/Chrysalidis,K | Reilly, J. | Preparation |
IS767 | P718 | Beta decay studies of neutron-deficient gallium isotopes with Lucrecia | Guadilla, V. | Rothe, S. | Preparation |
IS766 | P715 | Precise mass measurements of light and heavy neutron-rich noble-gas isotopes for nuclear structure studies | Lange, D. | Schweiger, C. | Preparation |
IS765 | P714 | Investigating the origins of the kink in charge radii at N=28 | Bissell, M. / Kowalska, M. | Bissell, M. | Preparation |
IS764 | P713 | Comparison of bulk and interfacial diffusion of 8Li in solid-state battery materials with beta-NMR spectroscopy | Rees, G. | Sparks, A. | Preparation |
IS763 | P712 | Investigation of the nucleon distribution on the surface of radioactive xenon nuclei using antiprotons | Nies, L. / Wienholtz, F. | Nies, L. | Preparation |
IS762 | P699 | Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of 223-226, 228Ra+ | Imgram, P | Lellinger, T | Preparation |
IS761 | P708 | Coulomb Excitation and RDDS measurement of a Triaxial Superdeformed “ß-band” in 162Yb | Bark, R. | Wenander, F. | Preparation |
IS760 | P703 | Local study of Lithium Niobate domain walls | Schell, J. / Eng, L. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
IS759 | P702 | Study of the N = 28 shell closure in the argon isotopes | McGlone, A/ Perrett, H/ Warbinek, J. | Warbinek, J. | Preparation |
IS758 | P701 | Study of RaF− anions at CRIS | Garcia Ruiz, R. / Flanagan, K. | Warbinek, J. | Preparation |
IS757 | P670 | Single-particle aspects of high- J s d − f p shell mirror energy differences (MEDs) | Freeman, S./ Hoffman, C. | MacGregor, P. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS756 | P698 | Laser & decay spectroscopy and mass spectrometry of neutron-rich mercury isotopes south-east of 208Pb | Cubiss, J/Lange, D/Andreyev, A/Koster, U | Schweiger, C./Yue, Z. | Preparation |
IS755 | P697 | Probing the local environments and optical properties in halide perovskites with short-lived radioactive isotopes | Masenda, H. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
IS754 | P696 | Magnetic origins of epitaxial MAX phase Mn2GaC-based thin films probed by Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy | Qi, B. / Tao, Q. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
IS753 | P695 | Mapping single-particle neutron strength towards the mid-shell in semi-magic lead isotopes | Ojala, J./Page, R./Pakarinen, J. | MacGregor, P. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS752 | P694 | Spectroscopic factors in the r-process nucleus 135 Sn | Kroell, T./Wimmer, K./Gaffney, L. | MacGregor, P. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS751 | P692 | Charge states of transition metal ions and local magnetic structure of dilute magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)N:Mn – an emission Mössbauer spectroscopy study | Adhikari, R/Masenda, H/Bonanni, A | Schell, J. | Preparation |
IS750 | P688 | Measurement of neutron capture cross section on 134 Cs through surrogate reaction (d,p γ ) at ISS | Carollo, S/Lerendegui-Marco, J/Raabe, R | MacGregor, P. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS749 | P687 | Emission Mössbauer spectroscopy of topological kagome magnets | Mantovan, R./ Lesne, E. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
IS748 | P686 | A study of seniority-2 configurations in N = 126 and 124 isotonic chains | Rainovski, G./ Georgiev, G. | Freeman, S. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS747 | P685 | Laser and nuclear decay spectroscopy study of the neutron-rich high-spin states in the 212 , 213 Bi isotopes with LIST | Andreyev, A. / Cocolios, T. | Heinke, R. | Preparation |
IS746 | P684 | Single-proton-hole orbitals in the N=126 nucleus 205 Au | Podolyak, Z. | MacGregor, P. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS745 | P682 | Mass measurement of the neutron-deficient 96 Cd with ISOLTRAP | Mougeot, M. | Schweiger, C. | Preparation |
IS744 | P680 | Onset of collective structures in proton-rich Pb isotopes investigated via Fast-timing methods | Benito, J./ Illana, A. | Heylen, H. | Preparation |
IS743 | P679 | Search for shape coexistence in 80 Zn via (t,p) reactions | Bottoni, S./ Galtarossa, F. | MacGregor, P. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS742 | P678 | Determination of single-neutron energies and spectroscopic factors outside 132Sn | Kay, B./Freeman, S./ Sharp, D. | MacGregor, P. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS741 | P676 | Detailed decay spectroscopy of 225Ac and its daughters to support its use in medical applications | Cocolios, T/Regan, P/Collins, S/Lica, R | Duchemin, C. | Preparation |
IS740 | P673 | Laser spectroscopy of neutron-deficient thulium isotopes | Cheal, B./ Rodriguez, L.V. | Rodriguez, L. V. | Preparation |
IS739 | P668 | Fission of 230 Ac | Kawecka, A./Managlia, M./Heinz, A. | MacGregor, P. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS738 | P663 | Microscopic insight by nuclear hyperfine methods on ferroic Perovskites | Lopes, A.M.L / Schell, J | Correia, J.G | Preparation |
IS737 | P667 | High-resolution laser spectroscopy of light gold isotopes: investigation of \lq\lq island of deformation'' and shape coexistence | Yang, X / Bai, S / Neyens, G | Lalanne, L | Preparation |
IS736 | P657 | Collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy of neutron-deficient antimony isotopes, towards the proton drip line | Lynch, K | Lalanne, L | Preparation |
IS735 | P664 | Characterization of the atomic 6D-states in neutral francium using collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy | de Groote, R / Lassegues, P | Lalanne, L | Preparation |
IS734 | P648 | Probing the excited halo in 10Be using low-energy one neutron transfer reaction | Chen, J / Capel, P / Obertelli, A | Browne, F | Preparation |
IS733 | P662 | β-decay spectroscopy with laser-polarised beams of neutron-rich potassium isotopes | Madurga, M. / Piersa-Silkowska, M. | Piersa-Silkowska, M. | Preparation |
IS732 | P661 | Probing structural transitions in M(II) vanadates (M = Zn, Mn, Cd, Ca) with TDPAC spectroscopy | Burimova, A. / Schell, J. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
IS731 | P659 | Probing the fission and radiative decay of the 235U+n system using (d,pf) and (d,pγ) reactions | Bennett, S. / Sharp, D. | MacGregor, P. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS730 | P658 | Oxide and Metal Halide Perovskites: Temperature-Dependent Dynamic Nature of Crystal Structure and Symmetry Relations | Gomez, C./ Rocha-Rodrigues, P./Alves Dos Santos, R | Schell, J. | Preparation |
IS729 | P655 | Magnetic moment of 11Be with ppm accuracy | Bissell, M. / Kowalska, M. | Bissell, M. | Preparation |
IS728 | P654 | Measuring the electron affinity of polonium | Nichols, M. / Hanstorp, D. | Lalanne, L. | Preparation |
IS726 | P650 | Exploring the evolution of the N = 126 magic number with the masses of neutron-rich gold isotopes | Manea, V. | Nies, L. | Preparation |
IS725 | P647 | Production of 226Ra-implanted high-quality radon sources for detector characterization | Jorg, F. / Simgen, H. | Schweiger, C. | Preparation |
IS723 | P646 | Laser spectroscopy of neutron-rich indium isotopes beyond N=82 | Wilkins, S./ Garcia Ruiz, R. / Flanagan, K. | Lalanne, L. | Preparation |
IS722 | P644 | Off-line TAS measurements of the long-lived nuclei 152,155Tb and 76,77Br for their relevance in medicine and neutrino physics | Nácher, E./ Briz, J. | Köster, U. | Preparation |
IS721 | P641 | Production of a 135Cs sample at ISOLDE for (n,γ) activation measurements at n\_TOF-NEAR | Lerendegui-Marco, J. / Carollo, S. | Vollaire, J. | Preparation |
IS720 | P638 | Transition probabilities of low-lying excited states in 210Po and 210Pb | Georgiev,G./Rainovski,G./Podolyák,Z./Stuchbery,A. | Browne, F. | Preparation |
IS719 | P637 | Closing in on 100Sn: Mass Measurements of the Neutron Deficient N=51-53 Tin Isotopes | Nies, L. | Schweiger, C. | Preparation |
IS717 | P635 | Determination of radioactive ion beam production yields using 1.4- and 1.7-GeV protons | Stegemann, S. / Rothe, S. | Stegemann, S. | Preparation |
IS716 | P632 | Determination of the α decay width of a near-threshold proton-emitting resonance in 11B | Ayyad, Y. / Mittig, W. | Olaizola, B. | Preparation |
IS715 | P628 | Study of the radiative decay of the low-energy isomer in 229Th | Chhetri, P. / Van Duppen, P. | Bernerd, C. | Preparation |
IS713 | P626 | Tracer diffusion and PAC measurements of 111mCd tracer atoms in A3B compounds | Divinski, S. / Schell, J. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
IS712 | P616 | Probing two-alpha radioactivity with 224Ra | Theisen, C. / Khan, E. | Kowalska, M. | Preparation |
IS711 | P625 | Transfer reactions on the neutron-rich krypton isotopes | Gaffney, L. | Olaizola, B. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS709 | P622 | Exploring shape coexistence across N=60 in 100Sr62 using IDS | Olaizola, B. / Bhattacharjee, S. | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS708 | P609 | Complementary measurements of octupole collectivity in 146Ce | Gaffney, L. | Olaizola, B. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS707 | P617 | Total absorption beta decay studies around 186Hg | Algora, A. / Orrigo, S. / Fraile, L. | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS706 | P614 | Laser ionization spectroscopy of AcF | Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M / Wilkins, S / Au, M | Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M | Preparation |
IS705 | P614 | Neutron emission from unbound states in 135Sn | Grzywacz, R / Korgul, A / Madurga, M / Fraile, L | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS704 | P612 | Measurement of the excitation energy of the 5+ isomeric state in 128Sb for r-process nucleosynthesis | Couture, A. / Nies, L. | Nies, L. | Preparation |
IS703 | P611 | PAC studies of isolated small molecules: The Pb nuclear quadrupole moments and further cases | Haas, H. / Schell, J. | Johnston, K. | Preparation |
IS702 | P608 | Probing the doubly magic shell closure at 132Sn by Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich 130,134Sn isotopes | Reiter, P. / Kroell, T. | Olaizola, B. | Preparation |
IS697 | P601 | Single-particle structure, effective proton charge, and emerging collectivity around 132Sn | Georgiev, G. / Stuchbery, A. / Allmond, J. | Johnston, K. | Preparation |
IS696 | P599 | Pairing vibrations beyond N=82 | Macchiavelli, A. / Wimmer, K. | Olaizola, B. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS695 | P582 | Probing the 11Li low-lying dipole strength via 9Li(t,p) with the ISS | Ayyad, Y. / Vigezzi, E. | Olaizola, B. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS694 | P586 | Investigating shape coexistence in 80;82Sr with beta+/EC decay spectroscopy | Bernier, N. / Bucjer, T. / Orce, N. | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS693 | P559 | Total absorption spectroscopy of neutron-rich indium isotopes beyond N=82 | lkowska, A. / Rubio, B. / Fallot, M. / Fraile, L. | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS692 | P572 | Spectroscopy of 8Be: Search for Rotational Bands Above 16 MeV | Gai, M. / Smith, R. | Olaizola, B. / Stora, T. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS691 | P598 | Collection of 129m,131m,133mXe for the gamma-MRI project | Kowalska, M. | Kulesz, K. | Preparation |
IS690 | P597 | Reaction studies with neutron-rich light nuclei at the upgraded SEC Device | Borge, M.J.G. / Cederkall, J. | Olaizola, B. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS689 | P594 | Evolution of single-particle states along N=127: The d(212Rn,p)213Rn reaction. | Sharp, D. / Freeman, S. | Olaizola, B. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS688 | P593 | Terbium-149 for targeted alpha therapy | Johnston, K. / van der Meulen, N. | Koester, U. | Preparation |
IS687 | P590 | Beta-decay spectroscopy of 27Na and 22O for isospin asymmetry studies in the sd shell | Guadilla, V. | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS686 | P589 | Spectroscopy of single-particle states in 107,109,111Sn through (d,p) transfer reactions | Park, J. / Cederkall, J. | Johnston, K. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS683 | P581 | Charge and spin states of Fe in binary compounds | Gunnlaugsson, H.P. / Hemmingsen, L. | Schell, S. | Preparation |
IS682 | P579 | Probing the magicity and shell evolution in the vicinity of N=50 with high-resolution laser spectroscopy of 81,82Zn isotopes | Yang, X.F. / Cocolios, T.E. | Geldhof, S. | Preparation |
IS681 | P578 | Emission Mössbauer spectroscopy of superconducting NbN thin films implanted with magnetic species | Bonanni, A. / Adhikari, R. / Masenda, H. | Johnston, K. | Preparation |
IS679 | P575 | Probing Energy Efficient Perovskites | Lopes, A.M.L. / Schell, J. | Correia, J.G. | Preparation |
IS678 | P574 | Weak interaction studies via beta-delayed proton emission | Blank, B. / Severijns, N. | Atanasov, D. | Preparation |
IS676 | P557 | Measurement of the decay scheme of 142 Cs | Jones, P. | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS675 | P570 | Investigating the key rp process reaction 61Ga(p,γ)62Ge reaction via 61Zn(d,p)62Zn transfer | Lotay, G. / Doherty, D.T. | Johnston, K. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS674 | P568 | A new approach to beta-delayed multi-neutron emission | Riisager, K. / Jonson, B. / Madurga, M. | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS673 | P550 | Nuclear moments of excited states in neutron rich Sn isotopes studied by on-line PAC | Haas, H. / Georgiev, G. | Johnston, K. | Preparation |
IS672 | P552 | Absolute charge radii of radioactive isotopes measured by muonic x ray spectroscopy at PSI | Cocolios, T.E. | Duchemin, C. | Preparation |
IS671 | P565 | MIRACLS at ISOLDE: The Charge Radii of Exotic Magnesium Isotopes | Vilen, M. / Malbrunot-Ettenauer, S. | Vilen, M. / Malbrunot-Ettenauer, S. | Preparation |
IS670 | P564 | Development of new rare-earth-free hard magnetic materials | Zyabkin, D. / Schaaf, P. | Schell, J. / Johnston, K. | Preparation |
IS669 | P563 | Beta decay along the rp-process path for accurate stellar weak-decay rates: 68Se and 70Se | Nácher, E. / Algora, A. / Briz, J.A. | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS668 | P562 | Quantum colour centers in diamond studied by emission channeling with short-lived isotopes (EC-SLI) and radiotracer photoluminescence | Wahl, U. / Pereira, L.M.C. | Correia, J.G. | Preparation |
IS662 | P554 | Beta-delayed neutron emission of 134In and search for i13/2 single particle neutron state in 133Sn |
Grzywacz, R. / Madurga, M. / Karny, M. | R. Lica | Preparation |
IS661 | P553 | Mass measurement of the proton-rich 99In and self-conjugate 98In nuclides for nuclear and astrophysical studies | Nies, L. | Mougeot, M. | Preparation |
IS660 | P551 | Collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy of silver between N=50 and N=82 | de Groote, R.P. | Bissell, M.L. | Preparation |
IS659 | P549 | Precise measurements of the β-decays of 9Li and 8He for reactor neutrino experiments | Fynbo, H.O.U. | Lica, R. | Preparation |
IS656 | P530 | Investigation of Octupole Correlations in 144,145Ba using the Recoil Distance Doppler-shift Technique | Fransen, C./ Braunroth, T. | Gaffney, L. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS654 | P539 | First spectroscopy of the the r-process nucleus 135Sn | Kroell, T. / Wimmer, K. | Gaffney. L. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS646 | P503 | Shape coexistence and N=50 gap: coulex reactions on ground and isomeric states in N=49 79Zn, 81Ge isotones | Gottardo, A. / Zielinska, M. | Gaffney, L. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS643 | P515 | Measurement of shifts in the electron affinities of chlorine isotopes | Hanstorp, D. / Welander, J. | Rothe, S. | Preparation |
IS642 | P514 | QEC value determination of the superallowed b-decay of 70Br |
Algora, A. / Wienholtz, F. | Wienholtz, F. | Preparation |
IS630 | P485 | Lattice sites, charge and spin states of Fe in InxGa1−xN studied with emission Mössbauer spectroscopy | H. Masenda / H.P. Gunnlaugsson | J. Schell / K. Johnston | Preparation |
IS627 | P477 | Radiotracer diffusion in refractory high-entropy alloys | S.V. Divinski | J. Schell | Preparation |
IS625 | P475 | Penning-trap mass measurements of Zn and Cu isotopes relevant for the astrophysical rp-process | D. Atanasov / A. Kankainen | D. Atanasov | Preparation |
IS622 | P471 | Cu decay into neutron-rich Zn isotopes: shell structure near 78Ni | A. Illana Sison/ B. Olaizola Mampaso | R. Lica | Preparation |
IS618 | P465 | Two-phonon octupole collectivity in the doubly-magic nucleus 146Gd | G. de Angelis | R. Lica | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS602 | P427 | Cu(I), Ag(I), Cd(II), Hg(II), and Pb(II) binding to biomolecules studied by Perturbed Angular Correlation of \gamma-rays (PAC) spectroscopy | L. Hemmingsen | K. Johnston | Data taking |
IS599 | P425 | Study of neutron-rich 51−53 Ca isotopes via beta-decay | A. Gottardo / R. Grzywacz / M. Madurga | M. Madurga | Preparation |
IS597 | P423 | Probing Shape Coexistence in neutron-deficient 72Se via Low-Energy Coulomb Excitation | D.T. Doherty / J. Ljungvall | E. Rapisarda | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS591 | P377 | 18N: a challenge to the shell model and a part of the to r-process element production in Type II supernovae | Matta, A / Catford, W | Rapisarda, E | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS589 | P401 | 206 Po sources for production and release studies relevant for high power spallation targets | Schumann, D. / Stora, T. | Melo Mendonca, T. | Data taking |
IS587 | P398 | Characterising excited states in and around the semi-magic nucleus\n 68 Ni using Coulomb excitation and one-neutron transfer | Gaffney, L./Flavigny, F./Zielinska, M./Kolos, K. | Rapisarda, E. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS586 | P396 | \nEmbedding of 163 Ho and 166m Ho in the energy absorbers of low temperature metallic magnetic calorimeters | Gastaldo, L. | Johnston, K. | Data taking |
IS581 | P356 | Determination of the fission barrier height in fission of heavy radioactive beams induced by the (d,p)-transfer | Veselsky, M. / Raabe, R. | Rapisarda, E. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS566 | P370 | Probing intruder configurations in 186,188Pb using Coulomb excitation | Pakarinen, J. | Rapisarda, E. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS557 | P353 | Coulomb excitation 74Zn-80Zn (N=50): probing the validity of shell-model descriptions around 78Ni | Rapisarda, E. / Van Duppen, P. / M. Zielinska | Rapisarda, E. | Data taking |
IS556 | P352 | Spectroscopy of low-lying single-particle states in 81Zn populated in the 80Zn(d,p) reaction | Orlandi, R. / Raabe, R. | Rapisarda, E. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS553 | P348 | Determination of the B(E3,0+->3-) strength in the | Scheck, M. / Joss, D. | Rapisarda | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS550 | P344 | Study of the Dinuclear System ARb + 209Bi (Z1 + Z2 = 120) | Heinz, S. / Kozulin, E. | Kowalska, M. | Preparation (HIE-ISOLDE) |
IS543 | P335 | Measurement of the 44Ti(alpha,p)47V reaction cross section, of relevance to gamma-ray observation of core collapse supernovae, using reclaimed 44Ti | Murphy, A. | Kowalska, M. | Data taking |
IS542 | P332 | Remeasurement of Ar-32 to test the IMME | Kreim, S. | Kreim, S. | Preparation |
IS529 | P313 | Spins, Moments and Charge Radii Beyond 48Ca | Bissell, M. / Vasquez Rodriguez, L. | Vasquez Rodriguez, L. | Data taking |
IS521 | P302 | Simultaneous spectroscopy of γ rays and conversion electrons: Systematic study of E0 transitions and intruder states in close vicinity of mid-shell point in odd-Au isotopes | Venhart, M. | Cocolios, T. | Data taking |
IS483 | P253 | Measurement of the magnetic moment of the 2+ state in neutron-rich radioactive 72,74Zn using the transient field technique in inverse kinematics | Illana Sison, A. | Van De Walle, J | Data taking |
I281 | I281 | Quantum emitters in diamond containing octupole-deformed nuclei for electric dipole moment experiments | Pereira, L. / Wahl, U. | Tunhuma, S. | Preparation |
I280 | I280 | Production of 169Yb for calibration of a transition-edge sensor for precision x-ray | Higuchi, T./Paul, N. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
I279 | I279 | Testing the mass separation capabilities of the new ISOLDE isobar separator | Nies, L. | Lechner, S. | Preparation |
I278 | I278 | In-source laser spectroscopy of neutron-deficient lutetium and holmium isotopes, towards the proton emitters | Lynch, K./ Cocolios, T. | Heinke, R. | Preparation |
I276 | I276 | Data acquisition and Python processing using CAEN Digitizer DT5730S for Perturbed Angular Correlation Spectroscopy: the PACIFIC 2 route. | Rocha-Rodrigues, P./ Lopes, A. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
I275 | I275 | Assessing the parity inversion in N = 7 isotones via 9 Li(d, p)10Li (Development of 9 Li beams) | Ayyad, Y / Chen, J. | MacGregor, P. | Preparation |
I272 | I272 | Development of neutron-rich Cu ion beams | de Groote, R. | Chrysalidis, K. | Preparation |
I270 | I270 | Using in-trap decay to provide inaccessible and low-yield isotopes to the ISOLDE facility | Reilly, J./Chrysalidis, K./Athanasakis, M. | Reilly, J. | Preparation |
I268 | I268 | Coulomb Excitation of a Triaxial Superdeformed “ β -band” in 162 Yb | Bark, R. | Wenander, F. | Preparation |
I267 | I267 | Measuring Interfacial Ionic Conductivity in All-Solid-State-Batteries with Li β-NMR Spectroscopy | Rees, G./Sparks, A. | Kowalska, M | Preparation |
I265 | I265 | Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Light He-like Ions from Beryllium to Carbon | Nortershauser, W. | Rodriguez, L. V. | Preparation |
I264 | I264 | Addendum - In-source laser resonance ionization spectroscopy of neptunium and plutonium | Urquiza-Gonzalez, M./Jaradat, A./Kaja, M. | Au, M. | Preparation |
I260 | I260 | Development of vanadium beams at ISOLDE | Olaizola, B. | Au, M./ Chrysalidis, K. | Preparation |
I259 | I259 | Direct measurement of superallowed beta transitions with Lucrecia | Guadilla, V. | Rothe, S./Stegemann, S. | Preparation |
I258 | I258 | Protactinium chemistry at ISOLDE from external sources | Athanasakis, M./ Au, M./ Nies, L. | Au, M. | Preparation |
I255 | I255 | Production test of Ti isotopes towards laser spectroscopy experiments | Plattner, P | Plattner, P | Preparation |
I252 | I252 | ISOLDE Consolidation and Improvements | Freeman, S. | Freeman, S. | Preparation |
I251 | I251 | Au-198m as novel PAC probe | Koester, U. | Correia, G. | Preparation |
I250 | I250 | Investigation of Metal Ions Drift in Memristive Devices using Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) method | Mokhles Gerami, A. / Schaaf, P. | Schell, A. | Preparation |
I249 | I249 | MULTIPAC-Setup for Perturbed Angular Correlation Experiments in Multiferroic (and Magnetic) Materials: proof-of-concept | Schell, J. / Lupascu, D. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
I248 | I248 | Testing ultra-low energy in new ion implantation chamber ASCII | van Stiphout, K. / Schell, J. | Schell, J. | Preparation |
I240 | I240 | Development of neutron-deficient Ba beams for a systematic study approaching the N = Z = 56 112Ba | Illana, A. / Valiente-Dobon, J. | Rothe, S. / Heinke, R. | Preparation |
I239 | I239 | Seniority versus alpha-clustering in the Po isotopes. | Georgiev, G. / Rainovski, G. | Johnston, K. | Preparation |
I238 | I238 | Measurement of octupole collectivity in uranium | Butler, P. / Gade, A. / O'Donnell, D. / Wu, C.-Y. | Au, M. | Preparation |
I237 | I237 | Shape transition at N=60 : Development of neutron-rich Sr beams | Wimmer, K. | Rothe, S. | Preparation |
I234 | I234 | Molecular beams for an inelastic excitation study of multiple shape coexistence in 80Zr | Nara Singh, B.S. / Wadsworth, R. | Olaizola, B. | Preparation |
I232 | I232 | Collinear laser spectroscopy of selenium isotopes | Yang, X. / Rodriguez, L. | Rodriguez, L. | Preparation |
I228 | I228 | Design study of a Superconducting Recoil Separator for HIE-ISOLDE | Martel, I/Tengblad, O/Cederkall, J | Johnston, K. | Preparation |
I225 | I225 | Preparation of negative ion beams for the determination of the electron affinity of polonium by laser photodetachment | Nichols, M / Hanstorp, D. | Rothe, S/ Leimbach, D/Geldhof, S. | Preparation |
I218 | I218 | Coherent contributions of protons and neutrons to octupole collectivity in the region above 100Sn: 114Xe (molten) Lanthanum target production test | de Angelis, G. | Johnston, K. | Preparation |
I217 | I217 | Development of neutron-rich Tb beams for a systematic study approaching the doubly mid-shell in Rare-Earth nuclei | Olaizola, B. / Illana, A | Rothe, S. / Mougeot, M. | Preparation |
I173 | I173 | Octupole collectivity in 229Pa to guide searches for physics beyond the Standard Model: Extraction rate and beam composition of 229Pa and 228Th | G. de Angelis | K. Johnston | Preparation |
I171 | I171 | Towards laser spectroscopy of exotic fluorine isotopes | R.F. Garcia Ruiz | R.F. Garcia Ruiz | Preparation |