87th ISCC Meeting

20th February 2020

Present: T. Bjørnstad (replacing S. Siem), J. Cederkall (via Vidyo), D. Doherty, K. Flanagan,  L. Fraile, H. Fynbo, G. Georgiev, S. Hlavac (replacing M. Venhart) K. Johnston, A. Korgul (replacing M. Pfützner), N. Marginean, H. Masenda (replacing D. Naidoo), A. Nannini (via Vidyo), G. Neyens, J. Pakarinen (via Vidyo), J.A. Rodriguez, L. Schweikhard, N. Severijns (via Vidyo), E. Siesling, J. Vollaire

Excused: K. Riisager

Invited: H. Hofsaess, M. Kowalska

Absent: R. Catherall, S. Gilardoni, A. Lagoyannis

The meeting starts at 09:00 h

1. Introductory remarks

The new ISCC chairperson, K. Flanagan, opens the meeting and informs the committee that T. Bjørnstad replaces S. Siem as the Norway representative at this meeting while S. Hlavac replaces the Slovakia representative M. Venhart, A. Korgul replaces the Poland representative M. Pfützner and H. Masenda replaces the South Africa representative D. Naidoo. The Sweden representative, J. Cederkall, as well as A. Nannini, the Italy representative, J. Pakarinen, the Finland representative, and N. Severijns, the Belgium representative, will join the meeting via Vidyo.

K. Flanagan welcomes the new representative for France, G. Georgiev.

2. Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting of November 5th, 2019

The minutes from the previous meeting are approved.

3. Update on Front-Ends, targets and laser systems – Plans for 2020 and 2021 – J. Vollaire

The status of the production and commissioning of the new Front Ends is briefly summarised. Front End 10 is now being tested at offline 2; it was decided to maximise this test period due to the construction of the building 179 extension being delayed from early January to the beginning of March 2020. The Front end will now be transported from building 26 to building 179 during the last week of February where it will be installed in March ready for beam tests and handover to the operations team at the end of April. The assembly of Front End 11 is progressing smoothly with offline testing planned for April and installation in the target area in June ready for commissioning during the summer. The slight delay between testing and installation of Front End 11 is due to the civil engineering work for the new nano-lab blocking access to the target area.

J. Vollaire mentions the multiple ongoing TISD studies including optimized target heating, negative ions at MIRACLS and molecular beams as well as the Laser Ion Source and Trap (LIST). He informs the committee that the Ion Source and Beam Manipulation (ISBM) working group has been re-established with monthly meetings planned.

The committee is told that the civil engineering work for the new laboratory dedicated to the production of actinide targets and compatible with the handling of nano size powders will take place from March 2020 until spring 2021. The building will also include a storage area for radioactive material and waste. J. Vollaire explains that the ventilation stop necessary for connection of the new laboratory system to that of building 179 is planned from the end of November 2020 to May 2021 and, during this period no actinide target production will be possible. Hence, the actinide target requirements for 2021 will have to be anticipated. Non-actinide targets can be prepared in building 26 so are not affected. J. Vollaire confirms that it is the target loads that will have to be prepared this year as they can be introduced into the target itself somewhere else if necessary. The present target production laboratory will be kept operational until the new space has been successfully commissioned.

J. Vollaire informs the committee that more than 300 targets are presently stored in the ISR storage areas and the last elimination campaign took place from 2007 to 2010. As the targets have to be dismantled manually the need for a hot cell was identified to avoid the operators exposure and the new ISOLDE hot cell has been installed and cold tests have just started. The aim is to dismantle non-actinide hot targets in 2020 to pave the way for future routine elimination. Once the process has been established, the manpower used for the dismantling of targets will come  mainly from contractors.

The re-organisation of the EN-STI-RBS section is presented. With the loss of beam manipulation expertise due to the departure of T. Giles, with no prospect of a CERN post to replace him at the moment, responsibilities within the RBS section have been redistributed. S. Marzari is now responsible for the Front End replacements and S. Rothe has taken over responsibility for the new tape Station. EN-STI is also financing 50% of a PJAS position in the framework of a collaboration agreement with the University of Manchester for which an expert has already been identified to start working on ISCOOL development and support other activities such as the fast Tape Station and the offline 2 separator.

J. Vollaire presents the status of activities related to laser systems consolidation and upgrade for RILIS planned up to the restart of ISOLDE. In support of MEDICIS operation, the first radioactive collections have been performed using MELISSA (the laser ion source for MEDICIS). The offline testing capabilities will also be greatly enhanced thanks to the new laser laboratory which will be operational at the ISOLDE offline 2 separator in the coming months. RILIS will also benefit from the successful development of Solid-State Raman lasers which were used to perform calcium spectroscopy to validate their performance. The new LISA (Laser Ionization & Spectroscopy of Actinides) EU project coordinated by CERN will run from November 2019 to November 2023 and applications are now open for 15 thirty-six-month PhD positions across 12 different locations.

The achievements of the MEDICIS facility in 2019 are briefly presented as well as the planned maintenance activities during the MEDICIS technical stop from January 2020 to the end of March 2020. Three Tb-155 collections are already foreseen after the re-start.

J. Vollaire tells the committee that future infrastructure upgrades at ISOLDE are being investigated. A feasibility study, which has already received funding, for the replacement of beam dumps and consolidation of shielding to cope with higher beam power will be conducted from 2020 to 2023. The study will aim to deliver a consolidated cost estimate and an execution plan for a possible implementation during LS3 but will not, however, include the addition of target stations. A separate study and cost estimate of beam sharing capabilities for the low energy beam lines will be undertaken in parallel in order to overcome the central beamline bottleneck; the possibility of obtaining a grant for this work from the Swedish Science Council is being investigated.

4. Update on the Low Energy part, REX and HIE ISOLDE – Plans for 2020 Beam Commissioning & Machine Studies – E. Siesling

The status of the tasks undertaken at the low energy section of ISOLDE during LS2 is summarised. All tasks are on track so all equipment is set to be operational at the 2020 start-up including the new fast Tape Station. The only bottleneck for commissioning could be the readiness of FE10 and vacuum maintenance on the primary oil pumps which might be pushed back to April. All cooling water should be back by the end of February.

E. Siesling informs the committee that all REX/HIE-ISOLDE LS2 tasks are on track to be ready for commissioning this summer. The infrastructure and supports have been adapted for the 3 new REX diagnostic boxes and additional steerer so that installation can take place mid-March. Cryomodule 4 was transported from SM18 back to the ISOLDE hall on 21st January and installation work is progressing well. As it was found that one of the cryostat Helium release valves needed repair all other cryomodule cryostat He release valves will be inspected but this can take place in parallel to the remaining installation work. E. Siesling thanks all the groups involved for keeping to the schedule despite their heavy LS2 workloads.

The ISOLDE 2020 early start-up schedule, as requested in LS2 schedule 2.4 and approved by the CERN Research Board, LS2 Committee and IEFC, is presented. Planning issues were incurred due to necessary CERN electrical interventions and safety tests but the overall effect on the HIE-ISOLDE planning has been minimised to just one week of delay for the end of the cool down which can be absorbed since some of the RF tests can take place during the cool down itself. HIE-ISOLDE beam commissioning and development tests with stable beam will start in July 2020 while for low energy this should begin at the end of August. In 2021, low energy physics is due to start in April and HIE-ISOLDE physics mid-May. This means that the commission of ISOLDE and HIE-ISOLDE during 2020 will provide a gain of 4 months of HIE-ISOLDE physics and 1 month of low energy physics in 2021, as well as a better performance and understanding of the machines resulting in higher quality beams and shorter set up times.

E. Siesling presents the planned Low Energy hardware and beam commissioning activities and tells the committee that an ISOLDE machine supervisor will be on duty (on weekdays and during working hours) from March onwards. The scheduling of the HIE-ISOLDE beam commissioning activities is then presented; stable beam to experimental stations will be during weeks 37, 38, 45 and 46 but this could be negotiated. K. Johnston states that a call for beam commissioning requests will be sent to experiments by the end of February. The HIE-ISOLDE machine studies during 2020 will include activities related to machine development, beam improvements requested by ISOLDE users and preparation for potential future upgrades.

The committee is informed that the Low Energy sector, the REX / HIE-ISOLDE post accelerator and the target area as well as all ISOLDE infrastructure has now been merged into one 3D CATIA model that is available in EDMS. For visualisation and basic viewing 3D XML is required from https://www.3ds.com/fr/produits-et-services/3d-xml/telechargements/ .

G. Neyens thanks both E. Siesling and A. Rodriguez for putting together the detailed plans for LS2 and commissioning as well as following up on all the upgrades during LS2.

5. LOI’s for new experiments and space in the hall – K. Johnston

It is explained that of the 8 Letters of Intent submitted for the February 2020 INTC meeting, 5 will have space implications for the ISOLDE hall.

  • ASPIC2: Commissioning and first experiments are planned for the second half of 2021, provided experimental proposals have been accepted by the INTC. An LOI outlining the possible research strategy has been submitted to the February INTC. The location of the previous ASPIC setup is now taken by VITO and no new site has yet been identified.
  • PUMA: Space will be required from the end of 2021 and a potential site has been identified between NICOLE and MINIBALL.
  • LUCRECIA: Installation and upgrade of this setup could start in summer 2020 and an LOI outlining possible new experiments was submitted to the February INTC. The collaboration involved has identified a site to upgrade their tape station, which is similar to the existing location. However, there is not much space in this area for upgrades, and such upgrades cannot start so long as no experimental proposal is accepted by the INTC.
  • VITO: Upgrades are ready to take place depending on decisions made by the ISCC and INTC. Space requirements of this LOI could clash with those of LUCRECIA. An LOI outlining the multidisciplinary research plan with the extended VITO beam line has been submitted to the February INTC.
  • MIRACLS: The old NICOLE site has been allocated for this new experiment, which has been endorsed by the INTC already.  However, since the ISCC and INTC had approved this experiment, the required footprint has expanded significantly.  Therefore, the collaboration is requested to optimise the required space. It is planned to commence work in the third quarter of 2020 using stable beam.  The ISCC endorses this plan.

The committee is informed that, at the 63rd INTC meeting in February 2020, the PUMA, MIRACLS and SpecMAT letters of intent were all endorsed.  The examination of those for eMMA, MULTIPAC and ASPIC was postponed until the June 2020 meeting.

The INTC also endorsed the science case of the VITO letter of intent.  It stated that the planned extension might be organized in phases, due to the space constraints and the potential clash with LUCRECIA.  It found that the LUCRECIA project also had potentially interesting science cases, although detailed experiment proposal(s) would be required at the June meeting in order to endorse the upgrade of LUCRECIA.

The remaining 3 LOIs are then summarised. The emission Mössbauer apparatus (eMMA) will be ready after 2022 and will be a temporary add-on to the GLM line so no space issues are foreseen. The MULTIPAC setup for perturbed angular correlation experiments, which was presented to the ISCC in November 2019, is expected to be ready in 2021 but, as it does not have to be coupled to a beamline, the 5m2 that it requires can be anywhere. Finally, the SpecMAT active target, that fits inside the ISS and will be initially installed in the first quarter of 2020, may require dedicated storage space. K. Johnston presents an overview of the space available to all these experiments and explains that it will be extremely difficult to accommodate all these setups.

K. Johnston presents the current proposed floor plan for the GLM/GHM consolidation which would create an enclosed limited access/stay area. CERN radioprotection has not yet given the plan the green light but, if approved, it would include concrete blocks around the zone, which would be movable to provide access for experiments, and painted cleanable floor and walls. The plan would mean that passage under the stairs would be restricted but the impact of this on operation is still to be assessed. The committee agrees that it is important that operators and support groups are included in this process as feedback from them is that the hall is already too crowded. K. Johnston explains that long term plans for the area could include use of the space presently taken up by the old control room, the relocation of the bank of power supplies and the removal of the toilets.

6. News from the ISOLDE group and Collaboration matters – G. Neyens

The present manpower situation in the ISOLDE Physics Group is then summarised by G. Neyens.

•           Scientific Associates: Robert Berger, (5 months, Summer April-August 2020), Giacomo de Angelis (May – October 2020). Deadline for new applications: 13th March 2020.

•           Corresponding Associate: Mikael Reponen (March – June 2020). Deadline for new applications: 13th March 2020.

•           Staff Members: Stephan Malbrunot-Ettenbauer (ERC MIRACLS) (February 2017 to January 2022), Karl Johnston (Physics Coordinator) (October 2015 to September 2022), Gerda Neyens (Physics Group Leader) (June 2017 to June 2021), Magdalena Kowalska (CERN staff member)(January 2020 - ).

•           User: Jenny Weterings (User Support) (2002- )

•           Research Fellows: Hanne Heylen – COLLAPS/MIRACLS (October 2017 to September 2020), Maxim Mougeot – ISOLTRAP (Sept 19 – August 2021), Razvan Lica – IDS (June 2020 – May 2022). Deadline for new applications: 2nd March 2020.

•           Applied Fellows: Joonas Konki – HIE-ISOLDE Experiments (March 2018 to February 2020), Simon Sels – MIRACLS (April 2018 to March 2020), Dinko Atanasov – WISArD & Low Energy Experiments (April 2019 – March 2021), Markus Vilen – MR-ToF for ISOLDE and MIRACLS (October 2019 to September 2021), Bruno Olaizola – HIE-ISOLDE (July 2020 – June 2022). Deadline for new applications is the same as for Research Fellows, 2nd March 2020.

•           Doctoral Students: Jonas Karthein (CERN via Gentner Doctoral Program) (November 2017 to October 2020), Varvara Lagaki (CERN-MIRACLS) (September 2017 to August 2020), Simon Lechner (CERN-MIRACLS) (September 2017 to August 2020), Jared Croese (CERN- EP-SME) (February 2018 to January 2021), Peter Plattner (CERN via Austrian Doctoral Program) (August 2018 to July 2021), Katarzyna Maria Dziubinska-Kuhn (CERN-ERC Betadrop) (October 2018 to September 2021), Karolina Kulesz (CERN-ERC Betadrop) (October 2018 to September 2021), Lukas Nies (CERN via Gentner Doctoral Program) (November 2019 to October 2022), Franziska Maier (CERN-MIRACLS via Gentner Doctoral Program)(February 2020 – January 2023).

G. Neyens informs the committee that the MoU has been automatically renewed for another 3 years up until 2022. It will automatically be renewed again in 2023 unless a new MoU is drafted due to the creation of a new large project for ISOLDE to be funded by the collaboration. The current MoU, including the updates to the annexes approved at the last ISCC meeting, will be posted on the indico site of the November 2019 meeting https://indico.cern.ch/event/854227/ . The committee is reminded that updates of the MoU annexes can be made at any time at the request of each party and after approval by the ISCC.

G. Neyens then explains that the Bose Institute in India has still not signed the ISOLDE institute membership agreement that was signed by CERN and sent to the institute some months ago; India is now discussing the possibility of either having two separate institute members (Bose Institute and SINP) or full membership as a member state. The committee is told that J. Nikolov from the University of Novi Sad has expressed an interest in collaborating more actively in experiments at ISOLDE and is considering the possibility of institute membership.

The status of the NICOLE setup is then summarised. In December 2019, after the discussions at the November 5th ISCC meeting and the conclusions of the November INTC meeting, all NICOLE spokespersons, both present and former, were informed by email of the decision of the ISCC to remove the setup. The deadline given for the removal is end of March 2020. K. Johnston has been told that ICE Oxford is interested in recovering some of the equipment and a small team from the NICOLE collaboration plan to come to CERN to remove NICOLE towards the middle of March 2020.

The committee is informed that the ENSAR2 project has been prolonged until the end of August 2020. However, all the ISOLDE TNA funding was already used before LS2. At the recent ENSAR2 town meeting in Athens it was confirmed that the ERINS EU application had failed and it was decided that a meeting, headed by A. Bracco, would take place at CERN this spring to discuss how to move forward.

G. Neyens explains that, at a EURISOL Steering Committee meeting in January, it was decided that the EURISOL-DF project will definitely not go ahead. The possibility of creating a league of RIB facilities is now being considered. This would be a structure to facilitate communication and collaboration between the facilities but it is not yet clear how this would actually work.

7. Financial situation– G. Neyens

G. Neyens tells the committee that all member states, except for Poland and Spain, have paid their membership fees for 2019. Romania has already paid for 2020 and the 10kCHF institute membership fee for 2019 has been received from Czech TU in Prague. A one off contribution to the collaboration of 10kCHF from a group of Portuguese institutes has now been received.

The collaboration expenditure for 2019 is briefly summarised and the forecast expenditure for 2020 is presented. This will include the purchase of high stability power supplies for the ISOLDE MR-ToF and the funding of 50% of a CERN fellow as well as the repayments of the HIE-ISOLDE project. This year will see the final 140kCHF repayment for the original CERN loan for HIE ISOLDE while the yearly 400kCHF repayment, as agreed with CERN management, will continue until 2023.

The committee is asked to consider the possibility of using collaboration funds to replace EU TNA funding in 2021 as no new EU project has been approved; committee members are asked to verify if their funding agencies would allow the fees they pay to the collaboration to be used to fund users of the facility in this way.

8. Follow-up on EPIC – K. Flanagan

The committee is first reminded of the major components of the EPIC project:

  • Take advantage of the LHC Injector Upgrades: the increase of p-intensity (x2) and the increase of PS-Booster p-energy (1.4 to 2 GeV)
  • Parallel beam operation by installing additional target stations
  • Higher quality beams for improved RIB beam purification
  • Upgrade of REX-ISOLDE
  • A new compact storage ring
  • A new experimental hall for new experiments

K. Flanagan explains that these components break down into two topics and the aim is to increase both:

  • Capability: Defined by the users in terms of the isotopes, yields and beam cleanliness required for experiments.
  • Capacity: Number of experiments that can be performed (both in terms of new experiments and facility operation)

A brief summary is given of the presentations made at the EPIC workshop, held at CERN in December 2019, about the EPIC components and the new physics opportunities at both low and higher energies. The user community made it clear at the workshop that both energies (1.4 and 2 GeV) should be maintained. However, for this to happen CERN would require justification from users on key beams, intensity and purity, where the gain for running at 2 GeV is compelling. The workshop also clarified that the impact on ISOLDE operation of higher intensity and higher energy will require a combined analysis to assess the impact on both target and frontend lifetime. Users also expressed concern about the possible increase in contamination at higher energies. New or upgraded target stations should consider any impact on systematic irradiation tests and MEDICIS. During the EPIC workshop the first meetings of the four EPIC working groups (Low Energy Experiments, Applications with RIBs, HIE-ISOLDE Experiments and Technical) took place. K. Flanagan presents an overview of the conclusions of the working groups regarding the priority of the requested upgrades.

It is explained that initial suggestions made for the expansion of the present ISOLDE hall or target stations area are all made difficult due to the position of the hall with respect to the French/Swiss border, a service tunnel and the cryoplant. Hence, the idea of constructing a second experimental hall, dedicated to low energy experiments, on the other side of building 508 would have multiple advantages. As well as providing space for new experiments and clean rooms for surface science, it would give potential for more exotic experiments such as electron scattering and p-bar projects making it a multi-user facility. It would also allow the existing hall to focus on high energy RIB production and provide space for more high energy experiments and hence allow for the expansion of the ISOLDE User community as a whole. A further advantage would be that a separate experimental hall could be constructed in parallel with the operation of the present ISOLDE facility thus limiting the impact on the user community. However, the committee acknowledges that, at this stage, studies of multiple approaches, such as the double frontends and other smaller projects as well as ideas such as a second experimental hall, should be carried out in parallel.

K. Flanagan explains that, at this stage, it is important for ideas for the upgrade of ISOLDE to be ambitious if not game changing. These ideas will be collected by the working groups set up during the EPIC workshop and then the group for the Upgrade of ISOLDE (GUI) will set the priorities. G. Neyens will organise a whole day meeting of the GUI this spring in order to consider the upgrade possibilities; CERN technical staff will of course be included in this meeting. After this meeting has taken place, the next step will be to initiate the process of preparing a conceptual design report (CDR) and seek funding. It is suggested that initial funding should be through national initiatives that can be for sub-projects such as the University Uppsala initiative to study parallel operation of the central beamline and a storage ring. However, at some point, initiatives will have to come together to make applications for larger amounts.

The committee is informed that G. Neyens has been working with S. Gilardoni, J. Vollaire and R. Catherall to formulate the near-future (up to LS3) ISOLDE upgrade priorities to be submitted to the CERN Mid-Term Plan (MTP) 2021-2025. J.A. Rodriguez requests that he be included in any further discussions on this matter. The committee then discusses the proposed list of priorities for the MTP and concludes that emphasis should be placed on exploiting the full potential of the PS Booster, hence combining the requests for the high intensity upgrade and for 2GeV, enhancing the operation potential of the ISOLDE facility and the upgrade of REX-ISOLDE.

9. Extending the VITO laser polarization beam line for experiments in biophysics, condensed matter, nuclear structure and fundamental interactions. – M. Kowalska

The scientific motivation for installing a superconducting magnet at the end of the VITO beam line is presented. The 4.7T magnet, that has been recuperated from ETHZ where it was used in a MRI animal scanner, will have a better homogeneity than the present 1.2T electromagnet which will lead to higher NMR resolution. This will allow a better resolution of the shifts in resonance frequencies from Na and K in biological samples. In addition, it will be possible to use the superconducting magnet for ppm-precision measurement of magnetic moments and for solid state studies. M. Kowalska explains that the LOI submitted to the INTC http://cds.cern.ch/record/2706142?ln=en describes the planned science programme with the new magnet up until LS3.

The committee is told that the SC magnet, which is 2m high and 90cm wide, was transported to CERN by Bruker, the manufacturer, in January and is now stored in building 275. The safety file regarding the installation of the magnet at the VITO beamline has been approved by the EP safety officer and the necessary safety measures identified in this document are being addressed.  M. Kowalska shows the proposed location of the magnet at the end of the VITO beamline and explains that funding and hardware for this option are already available. Calculations of the stray magnetic field show that there will still be enough room to pass safely between the magnet and the TAS setup; discussions with the TAS/LUCRECIA collaboration are taking place to ensure the least possible disturbance. Simulations to study the effect of nearby ferromagnetic structures on the magnetic field are underway.  L. Fraile suggests that the magnet is shielded when experiments are not running as this would increase the space of safe passage past the magnet.

M. Kowalska then presents a second option for the installation of the magnet that would involve placing it on a sunken rail system. This would allow the magnet to be moved in and out of position providing space for tests and other experiments such as beta-gamma correlations.

Outcome from subsequent ISCC discussion: see point 12.

10. Presentation of a new set-up: upgraded ASPIC– H. Hofsaess

The BMBF funded project to upgrade the UHV-system ASPIC for the investigation of surfaces and two-dimensional materials by ultra-low energy implantation and deposition of radioactive probe atoms is presented. At present the project has funding for 3 years and involves the University of Göttingen, TU Ilmenau and the University of Duisburg-Essen but other institutes are interested in becoming involved.

H. Hofsaess first summarises the history of ASPIC including the results of some of the experiments performed with the setup and then goes on to detail the type of physics that will be possible with the upgraded ASPIC. An overview of technical aspects of the planned upgrade of ASPIC is given. This will include the renewal of the LEED and Auger systems, installation of a new user-friendly sample transfer system and an upgrade of the ion optics for deceleration down to 10-20 eV as well as the use of new sample heating and cooling systems. It is clarified that the DC deceleration voltage will need to be linked to the ISOLDE HV power supply.

The proposed experiments using the new ASPIC setup are mentioned before the project planning is presented. The project would be ready to move the setup to CERN at the beginning of 2021 with the aim of starting experiments in Spring 2021. K. Flanagan requests that a detailed plan of the floorspace required by the setup, including the manipulators, be provided. H. Hofsaess confirms that it would be possible to mount the setup on a movable platform and that equipment such as power supplies and electronics could be positioned under the ASPIC setup.

Outcome from subsequent ISCC discussion:  see point 12.

11. Procedure for appointing new ISOLDE Group Leader and Collaboration Spokesperson– K. Flanagan

The following procedure for the appointment of the next ISOLDE Group leader is proposed:

  • April 2020: CERN to open post
  • Mid-September 2020: Deadline for applications
  • October 2020: Short list prepared by the search committee (Present ISOLDE Group Leader, ISCC Chair and INTC Chair)
  • November 5th 2020: Short listed candidates invited to give a presentation at the ISCC meeting. Representatives of the collaboration’s member states will vote at this meeting to choose the next ISOLDE Group leader; only those representatives physically present at the meeting will be allowed to vote.

The committee approves the above procedure.

12. Experimental set-ups in the hall– K. Flanagan

The committee discusses the request to install a super conducting magnet at the VITO beamline and decides to accept the initial proposal to install the magnet in a fixed position if a statement from all the surrounding experiments that they can accept any possible impact is supplied to the committee. To this end, it is important to ensure the possibility to shield the magnet when not in use and to minimise any impact on the surrounding setups and users. Any future acceptance of the proposal to install the magnet on rails would depend on the approval by the INTC of M. Madurga’s beta-gamma correlation experiment for which a detailed layout would be required in order to assess any possible impact on surrounding experiments.

A discussion then follows about the request for space in the hall for the upgraded ASPIC setup. The committee finds the physics case very interesting and appreciates that the experiments would attract a wider community to ISOLDE. However, a more definite footprint would have to be provided before a possible position could be allocated.  As space in the hall is limited, it is recommended to the ASPIC collaboration that they consider a ‘movable’ set-up that could, for example, be coupled temporarily to the ‘traveling set-up’ beam line.  Furthermore, an experiment would have to be approved by the INTC before a final decision can be made.

Considering the large demand for space in the hall, it is decided that a procedure should be put in place to access the allocation of space in the hall for existing and new experiments. For installed experimental set-ups, it is proposed that if no experiments have taken place at the setup for a period of five years, excluding the installation and shut down periods, and there are no approved experiments then a status report must be submitted to the ISCC. However, a status report could be requested by the ISCC also at an earlier time.

The committee will approve the procedures related to current and new experimental setups, as presented at previous and this meeting, based on a document that will be prepared by the ISCC chair and ISOLDE group leader, at the next meeting.  These accepted procedures will then be posted on the ISOLDE website.

13. A.O.B

  • H. Masenda enquires about CERN invitation documents used for visa applications. It is clarified that a teamleader can request invitation documents for students in their team for single entry visas or multiple entry visas for a period of up to a maximum of one year. The visa application itself is the responsibility of the person in question. Invitation documents for multiple entry visas for someone with a permanent contract with their institute can be requested for a period of up to a maximum of two years. Invitation documents provided by CERN can only be used to apply for visas for visits to CERN.
  • The committee agrees that the members of the Group for the Upgrade of ISOLDE (GUI) should include more representatives from the user community.
  • The 2020 ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting will be held at CERN from noon on Wednesday 25th November to noon on Friday 27th November. This will be preceded by the 2nd EPIC Workshop from noon on Tuesday 24th November until noon on Wednesday 25th November.

15. Dates of the next meeting

The dates of the remaining ISCC meetings in 2020 are Tuesday 23rd June 2020 and Thursday 5th November.

Meeting ends at 15:50.

N.B. The overheads of the above presentations can be found via https://indico.cern.ch/event/882664/ .